Halloween was an exciting event, with Crofthead decorated with spooky art. Our residents created perfect pumpkins. Some were painted and some were carved. We had a lovely party in the afternoon. Drinks and nibbles were served by one of our residents, who has a small part time job with the activities team. We would like to welcome our new assistant activities coordinator to the role!
We were out on the barge with the Seagull Trust, a firm favourite on the annual calendar. This trip is always requested when we hold our residents meetings. Loved by all.
We welcomed Billy Meredith to sing for us and the residents requested that we invite him back again.
Falla Hill nursery visited and this was a great success. We have dates in the diary for the other schools and nurseries to visit too.
The faith leaders of Fauldhouse have been in to offer spiritual guidance, communion and a general supportive listening ear.
Thanks so much for everyone who attended the fundraising event at Fauldhouse Miners where we raised £1900. All monies raised will be utilised to enhance the lives of all our residents.
November will bring a piper for St Andrews Day and our coffee morning will start discussing plans for Christmas.
Exciting times ahead.
If you have suggestions for activities or any donations for future raffles, then please approach the Activities Team.
Thank you
Davina, Susan and Lynne.