The tree is down an we are moving into a wonderful New Year.
Happy New Year to everyone!
Our Activities Team is attending the Activities Networking Meetings which are held monthly throughout West Lothian.
This is a fabulous way of expanding knowledge and gaining friends for Crofthead. We invited another West Lothian Care home for afternoon tea in December and plan a return visit this month.
We continue to offer Skype, Zoom and tel calls to keep everyone connected with their loved ones as well as welcoming everyone into the home for family visits.
We held a New Year raffle, where all proceeds go to enhance the lives of our residents. Our resident’s meetings continue where we gain insight into preferences for trips and activities. Coffee mornings on Fridays are a good brainstorming session too.
Pet therapy is booked for February and we donated a very large hamper of goodies to The Dogs Trust in December. We’ve created tea cup flower decorations for table centres. It’s amazing the knowledge that our residents have in gardening and floristry. Some can provide the Latin names! The residents educate the staff.
One of our residents has a role in the Activity Team and helps with pamper sessions and flower arranging workshops.
Sport reminiscing is in full swing and our Men’s Club is resuming after New Year. We are also planning a Wedding and Christening reminiscing session, together with props from West Lothian Council Museum Services. Chinese New Year is also on our planner, together with other cultural days. The fortune cookies have been provided by our wonderful chef. Invitations are being prepared for the Kings Coronation on May 6th.
Burns supper is in the diary for 25th January and Laurie, our piper will be attending.
We also have some big birthdays in the pipeline. Crofthead loves to celebrate all occasions. The Lord Lieutenant has visited in 2022 and will return again in 2023.
We are also wonderfully supported by West Lothian News Facebook page, Fauldhouse Today and the West Lothian Courier.
We update the Newsletter throughout the month, so keep an eye out for new activities. We also display Newsletters around the home in our noticeboards at both receptions.
Thanks again for all your support and please email
[email protected] if you have suggestions, or would like to assist in any way.
Once again, thank you.