April showers? Infact our residents have enjoyed the prolonged good weather, by spending time in our private sensory garden. We have planted kitchen garden herbs, meadow wild flowers and enjoyed an ice cream or two.
We have commenced our preparations for the 75th anniversary of VE day on May 8th, with fashions, songs and cake design. We have been working together with Museum Services, to ensure our day will be as authentic as possible.
April also brought a number of birthdays, an increased number of Skype calls with families and a virtual tour of a local farm.
Residents enjoyed sharing a glimpse into the lives of both new born lambs and calves, together with a tour of the scenery in the Clyde Valley, home to the famous Lanark tomato.
Our trips to the ” Garden of Scotland” will return, by popular demand, over the summer months.
Our residents have also enjoyed our weekly afternoon teas and in particular the wonderful strawberry marshmallows.
If you have an article for our next newsletter, please email
Many thanks
Davina and Susan