This month our residents have enjoyed art with clay, quizzes, a staff bake-off and a jam share with the local community.
We celebrated Chinese New Year with crafts and cooking and embraced the contribution from Fauldhouse FC on our football memories day. Who knew our activities team were so skilled with a ball! Our ladies and gents were very enthusiastic in singing old World Cup songs and tasting pies, bovril and a traditional ale.
As we move from February into March we are ready for World Book Day and our library trolley will be touring our home. Activities will offer chapter readings and short stories.
The West Lothian news covered our news this month and we are collaborating with a local wedding dress company to offer our residents a nuptials experience in March. We have a qualified florist on site, so residents will be preparing the buttonholes and wedding bouquet.
If family and friends of Crofthead would like to share wedding photos, flowers or wedding stories, then please email