April showers in abundance , but plenty of glorious sunshine too. Crofthead have been in the garden and enjoyed a few ice lollies too. The daffodils and the spring flowers have popped their heads up. The residents have planted seeds with our Activities Team and gardening week was a great success.
Poppy house have enjoyed the Potting shed and are currently growing sunflowers. We anticipate a few very tall plants by July!
The tri-shaw training is complete and our staff are ready for the first trip out, with our residents, sometime in May. We have been preparing for this day in conjunction with Fauldhouse Hub and the fabulous volunteers from Cycling without Age. There are also two roadworthy bikes available to families who would like to accompany their loved ones around the village.
In April we have bowled, played piano, had a number of games days and we currently have a champion at draughts. The evenings have brought cheese and wine and movies.
We took a quiet day of reflection at the passing of HRH the Duke of Edinburgh and we created a display of photographs in his honour. We also sent a card of condolences to HRH the Queen.
We are looking forward to our golfing tournament in May. The Masters comes to Crofthead.
if you have any suggestions of events for our future calender then please contact : [email protected] or speak with the activities team.
Again, thank you code your continued support.